Advisory Board
We are fortunate to have a strong backing from the educational community leaders, from the entire spectrum of formal, scientific and alternative education.
Dr. Aniket Sule
He is a faculty member of Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE-TIFR). He completed his M.Sc. in Physics from IIT(Bombay) and 'Doctorate in Natural Sciences' from University of Potsdam in Germany. For his Ph.D. he worked in the area of computer modelling of solar rotation. His present research interests include Physics / Mathematics / Astronomy education research and history of astronomy in India.
He coordinates Indian Astronomy Olympiad Programme and is also Secretary General for International Olympiad for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IOAA). He is also Chair of Public Outreach and Education Committee of Astronomical Society of India. He was conferred 'Youth Icon of Maharashtra' award by Maharshtra Times in the year 2018.
Premji Rambhia
Premjibhi passed B.E from L.D. Eng college Ahmedabad in 1961 and completed MS in 1962. He worked in Westinghouse Atomic Power from 1962-67 and Burroughs Corp. from 1967-68. He was involved in the family business and construction activities after returning to India
Premibhai joined a charitable Trust and started an English medium school in 1967 located at Chinchpokli. He was appointed as Secretary of Shah & Anchor Eng. College at Chembur. He conceived, planned and executed the Shishuvan school at Matunga.
Supriya Joshi
Co-founder of Indian Association of homeschoolers (Swashikshan), Supriya Joshi is educational Mentor/ Counsellor to hundreds of learners for interest-led learning, education abroad and career mapping. She is active in advocacy for alternate schooling. She has worked for education of children with special needs such as young cancer patients, street children, children in conflict with the law, orphan children and school drop outs. She started Shelter Don Bosco, Nasik, a home to destitute children.
Supriya has been the presenter at TED, at Swayam Talks (a popular series of talks in Marathi), Speaker/ Panellist at National conferences focused on alternate education and educational policy and has received Navashakti Award for the work in Education from the hands of Sindhutai Sapkal.